October 27: Sick and Tired National Day of Action

Over 50 years ago, Fannie Lou Hamer, said “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.” and 50 years later those words could not ring more true.

Join us October 27th a week before the election as we rally our communities to show we are ready to not just vote Trump out but to get one step closer to the justice we all deserve.

Join the National Sick and Tired Phonebank
Call Voters Where it Counts.

or find and add an event near you on the map below.

Be Covid-Safe: Read the Public Health Protocols
window.ControlShift = window.ControlShift || {}; window.ControlShift.Map = window.ControlShift.Map || {}; window.ControlShift.Map.options = { containerId: "controlshift-map-container", siteOrigin: "https://thefrontline.controlshift.app", filter: {"calendars":["sick-and-tired-day-of-action"],"search_strategy":"distance_from_location"}, includeSidebar: true };

Interested in adding your own event?

Create an Event

2020 has brought so much loss, grief and uncertainty, but it has also brought communities together through mutual aid networks and community support. Over the summer, we saw more than 26 million people take to the streets to show our collective power in defense of Black lives — because we know, together we will win. 

Join The Frontline for a week of action leading up to Election day! We’ve got tips to help you are get your community involved:  

  • Plan celebratory rallies at early voting sites in your area.
  • Host car brigades through your community to make sure they know that together, we have this. 
  • Host vigils at hospitals for all those who have been lost to COVID-19 or state sanctioned violence. 
  • Gather at the courthouse to show the GOP we are sick and tired of their tricks to pack our courts.  
  • Host virtual call-in days to voters in key states or 
  • Plan a teach-in  to discuss why this election is important.  
  • Make a voting plan with your loved ones and discuss how you will continue to stay involved after the election.  

There are so many ways we can demonstrate our power and center our joy and solidarity.
