Working Families Party

People's Charter

The People’s Charter is our roadmap out of our current state of crisis, and to an America that works for the many, not the privileged and powerful few.

View full details on the People's Charter

Care for the Wronged

Repair historic harms and end systemic racism.

  • Shift resources away from policing, jails and detention centers, endless wars and agencies that separate families. Shift resources into schools, housing, healthcare and jobs, to enable all people – especially Black and brown people, immigrants, and Indigenous people – to thrive.

  • Eliminate restrictive local zoning rules that keep housing and schools segregated by race and class. Aid Black families, and other people of color harmed by redlining in buying homes.

  • Respect the sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples and Tribal Nations.


Emergency Care

Help everyone get and stay well, and support workers, families, and small businesses as long as it takes.

  • Free Covid testing and treatment for all, including the vaccine once one is available.

  • Extend expanded $600 per week Unemployment Insurance until there are jobs for people to return to. Make sure it’s available to everyone, regardless of immigration status.

  • No evictions, foreclosures, or utility shut-offs during the pandemic. Cancel rent and suspend debt payments until jobs return.


A good job for everyone who needs one

Working people can't wait years for jobs to come back, we need millions of jobs now.

  • Put 16 million people to work immediately — upgrading our broken infrastructure, modernizing and retrofitting millions of homes and buildings, staffing schools, hospitals and health departments, protecting and restoring forest and wetlands, creating opportunities for family farmers and rural communities, and revitalizing American manufacturing.

  • Raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour everywhere.


Care for each other

Address the deficiencies in how our government cares for us that the pandemic has revealed.

  • Make health care free and universal and take hospital and health insurance profits out of it.

  • Ensure every worker who wants a union can join one, so that all workers, and especially essential workers, can bargain for good pay and benefits, safe conditions, and a voice on the job.

  • Guarantee universal child care, paid family and medical leave and paid sick days, and income support for parents taking care of kids full time.


Care for the future

Act now to make us all more resilient to challenges we know we have to confront.

  • Invest now to make our food, water, electricity, health, financial and other systems resilient to future crises like climate change.

  • Emphasize cooperation and diplomacy over competition in our dealings with other countries in order to confront challenges that transcend borders, like pandemics, armed conflicts, and climate change.

  • Protect our democracy from takeover by billionaires, corporations, war profiteers and bigots by getting big money out of politics and ensuring that every vote counts. Save the USPS to ensure we can vote by mail.