Our country is still in crisis. Over 1 million are dead from COVID-19, and millions more are suffering under the weight of attacks on our Democracy and our right to privacy and bodily autonomy. The police and white nationalist vigilantes are murdering and brutalizing people in the streets. Our planet is burning, melting, and flooding.
In 2020 The Frontline mobilized hundreds of thousands of people to defend voters around the country and turn out the vote to win massive victories at the federal and local level. In response to success of our coalition work and those of our grassroots partners, those in power got to work immediately passing restrictive laws to try and stop formations like The Frontline from doing it again.
But it didn’t work, we are back for the 2022 Midterms running our Election Defenders program connecting everyday people with training, resources and support to create a whole new crew of first responders to democracy!
Each generation is faced with formidable challenges that define them. We know that in order to build a bright future for everyone, we must stand together to say enough.
The Frontline is a powerful coming together of people across differences to meet this generational challenge. We’re going to defeat white nationalism, protect our democracy, and demand that those in power advance a people’s agenda.
We can build a brighter future for generations to come. But the time to act is now, and it will come down to everyday people in this country joining The Frontline.
You can be a poll worker in a neighborhood, a protestor for justice, a worker ready to strike, or you can connect others with needed and critical information— there is a role for you in the most important movement in a generation.
Together, we are more powerful than the moneyed interests who stand to benefit when we are divided. It’s our time. Let’s seize it.